Saturday, December 14, 2019

Truth be told?

    I watched a documentary about the octopus and came to the conclusion it is one of the most intriguing characters on this planet. It changes colors, has no bones, can be trained to do tricks, and eerily interacts with humans. (The show profiled a pet octopus named Heidi, aptly named for her ability to hide.)

    About halfway through the program the narrator delved into the origin of the species, explaining how it “evolved.” He did not mention Creation or God or that God might have contributed in the least little way to the existence of the octopus. But I did not buy into his evolutionary tale. Instead I sat on the sofa marveling at the Genius; aka God, who created such magnificence.

    I am sure that many who watched the show believed the narrator's words as truth, which by the way, seems to be a relic in this particular era in which we are living, when so many myths are being told as fact, and not just about the origin of an octopus. 

    Truth seems to be a thing of the past, like precious artifacts on display behind glass enclosures at the Smithsonian. I will look for it the next time I'm there.

Social media isn't social: A Goodreads experience gone bad

I thought it might be fun to poke around on Goodreads where I could see reviews of potential good reads, and if the notion strikes, I could ...